The Wind Sharing

The Wind Sharing
Good time

Senin, 11 September 2023

Saving Fish from Drowning, by Amy Tan


  • ·         “Isn’t that what love is –losing your mind? You don’t care what people think. You don’t see your beloved’s faults, the slight stinginess, the bit of carelessness, the occasional streak of meanness. You don’t mind that he is beneath you socially, educationally, financially, and morally –that’s the worst, I think, deficient morals.”

  • ·         “I ask you this: What’s the chance of finding a lasting a marriage? Twenty percent? Ten? Did I know any woman who escaped having her heart crushed like a recyclable can? Not a one. From what I have observed, when the anesthesia of love wears off, there is always the pain of consequences. You don’t have to be stupid to marry the wrong man.”

  • ·         “But then I discovered art. I saw for the first time nature and pure feelings expressed in a form I could understand. A painting was a translation of the language of my heart. My emotions were all there –but in a painting, a sculpture. I went to museum after museum, into the labyrinths of rooms and that of my own soul. And there they were –my feelings, and all of them natural, spontaneous, truthful, and free. My heart cavorted within shapes and shadows and splashes, in patterns, repetitions, and abruptly ending lines. My soul shivered in tiny feathered strokes, one eyelash at a time.”

  • ·         “No matter what the religious belief in a country, a certain degree of acquisitiveness is always there.”

  • ·         “While it is good to speak well, it is better to speak the truth.”

  • ·         “In magical lands, magic can happen. But only if we believe. And if we believe, the impossible can happen. What we wish to have will manifest. What we wish to hide turns invisible.”

  • ·         “Things are not always what they seem. And what you choose is not always what you get. Others may choose for you.”

  • ·         “Bathing is a beautiful necessity, a moment of peace, a cleansing of body and spirit.”

  • ·         “Life was merely an illusion you must release.”

  • ·         “Death was not a loss of life, but the culmination of a series of releases.”

  • ·         “ … within beauty, there is tragedy.”

  • ·         “The only thing certain in times of great uncertainty is that people will behave with great strength or weakness, and with very little else in between.”

  • ·         “In moments of great danger, many people show their deficiencies.”

  • ·         “Through trial with death, you discover your power. Through trial, you shed your mortal flesh, layer after layer, until you become who you are supposed to be. If you die you were mortal all along. But if you survive, you are a god. So, don’t go speaking your doubts so loudly. This god might waken and arise, and if he hears you fickle and fomenting talk he’ll put you in a place with no pretty maidens, just barren rice fields.”

  • ·         “A good government had to guide its people, sometimes gently, sometimes strictly, just as parents did. It could allow certain freedoms, but in a style that suited the country. Only the leaders know what that style should be.”

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